WARNING: Penalty points should be set on only one scoring category (traditionally Written). If you put penalty points on multiple scoring categories, you risk overwriting valid penalty points with a zero
Statement of Approval of Student Submission(s)
By clicking I Agree, I as the Chapter Advisor for the student(s) below:
I have verified all participants have completed the student ICDC registration survey.
I have reviewed and approve of their competition submission.
I acknowledge participants will be competing on Sunday, April 27 in the events of Business Operations Research Events, Project Management Events, Entrepreneurship Events, and Stock Market Game will present to a judge on Sunday, April 27. Participants in Integrated Marketing Campaign Events will take their exam on Sunday, April 27 and present to a judge on Monday, April 28.
Participants can check the DECA app for interview times starting Saturday, April 26.
Written entries will be validated with the iThenticate program for both plagiarism and the use of AI that violates DECA's Written Statement of Assurances and Academic Integrity. Violation of the statement of assurances would lead to disqualification.